
Maintaining Your Boat

Owning a boat comes with a big responsibility, just like owning a car. We maintain our cars so we can enjoy them for as long as possible, you do the same with a boat. Keeping the boat full with its proper fluids will ensure it’s given a long life so you can have many years enjoying it with your friends and family.

Below is a checklist of basic boat maintenance.


Just like a car, it’s important to keep a strict schedule on checking your oil. Not enough oil or not properly maintaining the oil can ruin your engine.


The battery is the heart of the boat! It’s recommended that you check your battery often during a boating season. As with all batteries, they degrade over time.  You can check your batteries charge using a digital multimeter. If you see corrosion around the connectors, use a wire brush to clean them up.


Throughout the boating season, check for any corrosion, cracked hoses, etc. If you see any damage, it’s important that you get it serviced.


The propeller is crucial to your boats engine. If you choose the wrong propeller, you could rob 5-10 MPH from your boat’s top end. You should ALWAYS check your propeller before you launch.

Bilge Pump

If your bilge pump is faulty, it could potentially sink your boat.  Check the pump hoses for clogs (from debris). It’s also recommended to add a back-up bilge pump.


Look for any cracks. Make sure the drain plugs are securely in place.

Electrical Lines

Keeping these lines in good condition will help keep your boat up and running.  If the lines deteriorate, and are not taken care of, it could become a fire hazard.  Keep them clean!


Check your fluid levels to make sure your boat continues running properly. Oil, power steering fluid, and coolant are some of the fluids you should be checking often!

Keep it clean!

Another way to make sure your boat is always at its best is keeping it clean. Not only does a ‘sparkling clean’ boat just look good (you know you want to show it off)! It also helps keep the lake waters healthy by avoiding the spread of invasive species. We love our lakes and we all play a part in keeping them healthy and clean.

If you need your boat serviced (or cleaned), check out the Marine Services section in our Best Kept Boating Secrets™ guides! For your convenience, our guides are also ebooks (click on the guide name to access the ebook): Lake Norman’s Best Kept Boating Secrets, Lake Winnipesaukee’s Best Kept Boating Secrets, and Lake George’s Best Kept Boating Secrets.

COMING SOON: Lake Lanier’s Best Kept Boating Secrets (the guide is still in progress but check out the sample ebook!)

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